From First Dance Confusion to Clarity

You might have got a first dance song in mind, but don’t know how to move TOGETHER to your song!

Find Your First Wedding Dance Music and Style Guide

And believe it or not many wedding planning couples struggle to find their first dance song.

Or some might love a style of dance they’ve seen and want to find a song that suits the style of dance, whilst 

You know you’d like to do something a little coordinated for the first dance, but haven’t got a clue how to start or what style of dance will work with the song. But this FREE ebook – Find Your First Dance Music and Style Guide, written by me, First Wedding Dance Choreographer of 10 years, is the solution for guiding wedding planning couples through the various first dance style possibilities in preparation for their first dance.

Get some clarity on what styles of dance might suit your first dance song, personalities and level of dance skills. Discover how you could take your first dance journey to a whole new level.

This is the perfect starting point even if you’re not yet sure that first dance lessons are going to be for you. Click the link here to grab my Find Your First Dance Music and Style Guide and get inspired today.