Ever wondered why people bang on about strengthening your pelvic floor – here are a few reasons why we should strengthen our PV…
🤸The Pelvic floor is a sling of muscle & connective tissue running from pubic bone at the front to the coccyx (tailbone) at the back.
🤸The Pelvic floor supports the pelvic organs (bladder, bowel & uterus)
🤸it helps the body absorb outside pressure from lifting heavy objects, coughing, sneezing or jumping.
🤸it helps you controls the release of urine, poo and wind!
🤸a stronger PV could help to improve your sex life…meaning you might have more desire for fun between the sheets – yeah I called it!
🤸A little bit of daily/regular attention to your PV either sitting at your desk/in traffic lights – or through Pilates – could help future proof your body….
🤸10 squeezes per day for a few seconds each (increase to 10 secs when you get the hang of it as time goes on). Then 10 shorter quick squeezes – relax in between each.
🤸We focus on PV strength in every exercise in Mama Strength Pilates with sessions 3x per week, if you keep forgetting to practise on your own!
Help to get yourself back into the fitness or movement you love without the little accidents, and prevent future issues associated with weaker pelvic floor with a bit of attention to your PV. It’s also a psychological thing. A stronger PV will help you feel stronger and more confident in physical activity of many forms (inc. in the bedroom).
Always seek advice from a medical pro if you have ongoing pain or severe discomfort in your pelvic floor area or when trying the exercises or are frequently unable to control the function of your Pelvic Floor. There’s so much support out there, particularly following a traumatic birthing process, but women aren’t always offered it automatically in recovery from childbirth. This is starting to change, as of April this year.

An excerpt from this press release here (https://www.gov.uk/…/national-pelvic-health-service-to…): “action is being taken on a national level. Backed by over £11 million of government funding from April 2024, plans published by NHS England for the implementation of a new national service will:
– ensure all women are offered a self-assessment of their pelvic health as early as possible in pregnancy – and by 18 weeks at the latest
– educate all women on the risk of pelvic floor dysfunction and birth injuries and preventative action they can take to reduce this risk
– provide additional support to those at higher risk of pelvic health problems
reduce NHS waiting times – one of the Prime Minister’s 5 pledges – and minimise administrative barriers to treatment
– allow affected women to access appropriate physiotherapy assessment and personalised treatment.”
I always advise new mums to seek out support as standard, and will continue to do so whilst this service is being rolled out.
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